Morning Routines

I’m so excited that I have very special visitors this month!  Our old neighbors have returned to visit, bringing their boys Reece (8) and Justus (10).


Justus has been staying in our guest room on the 3rd floor, giving us an opportunity to reconnect and establish our morning routine.

Once Steve is off to work, Justus and I have coffee together.  I make a cappuccino and a small cup of frothed milk with a bit of coffee for him. We sit in the kitchen or out in the garden until it’s time for him to run off to camp, surrounding ourselves with coffee, breakfast and the morning paper. Justus finds the Sudoku, I provide the pencil and we get to work. It’s funny how quickly we establish these rituals.


One of our favorite things is to make is a smoothie.


The ingredients vary from day to day.


Justus usually favors the ones with peanut butter but he agreed that mine was the healthiest!


The weekend gives us a different schedule but starting Monday I’m sure  we will do exactly the same thing we did last week. Sometimes I save his paper, giving him some help from the answers that are published the next day. It’s pretty exciting for him to finish the puzzle. This is a very special time for both of us, it gives us the opportunity to chat.

He tells me about camp, what they did yesterday and what’s scheduled for the day ahead, life in Texas, etc.


I tell him my plans for the day, about the neighborhood gossip and all of that.  I do know I going to miss him terribly when they leave us.  Thankfully, I’ll have many memories to cherish until he comes around again.

They will only be here for another week.  I’m making sure to schedule an excursion for a day. We’re not sure where to go, maybe into DC to the Spy Museum or to Fort McHenry  in Baltimore.  Where we go doesn’t matter all that much, it’s the fact we do something.  If we don’t make use of the time it will slip away all too quickly.

Morning Routines
Each week I shop for ingredients and prepare my concoction for the week. I do all of the chopping, bag them up in individual servings and freeze them. That way I just pull the bag from the freezer, break it up a bit & pop it in the blender with some almond milk or water to get me to the right consistency. Feel free to adjust the ingredients to your taste. Here’s my favorite combination:
Servings: 2
  • 3 Cups +/- Chopped Greens, Spinach, Chard, Kale or Collards
  • 1 Cup of Chopped Parsley
  • 1 Pear, cored and chopped
  • 1 Avocado
  • 1 Bananna
  • ½ Cup Almond Milk or Water
  • 1 Cup of Ice
  1. Place all ingredients in a heavy duty blender and process until smooth. Enjoy!

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