Breakfast With the Girls

Having good friends in an important part of life.  I once heard that friends come into your life for a reason, they may be friends for a season, forever, or somewhere in betweenbut they are an amazing support system. This Sunday was such a treat; I connected with a group of tennis friends.

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We have been friends for about twenty years now.  Before I married Steve, I was in a geographically desirable location where we would see each other every few weeks.  Now that I’m married and have moved about an hour away, we still get together, but not as frequently.  I still play tennis once a month in winter block time to keep in touch. The time is contracted and scheduled for us, so it is very convenient.  Sometimes after we play tennis, we grab dinner and a glass of wine and catch up.

Another of our favorite excuses to get together is breakfast.  There is something magical that happens with coffee and conversationor maybe it is the connections we have developed over time?  What I do know is that when we get together it is always a treat!


This group consists of five of us.  Debbie is our organizer, planner and navigator.  This Sunday she invited us to her house, kicked her husband out and fixed breakfast for us.  Sadly, Jean was out of town but Denise, Elizabeth and I arrived at Debbie’s bearing hostess gifts and lots of enthusiasm.


Debbie prepared an amazing feast around an Artichoke and Spinach Frittata.  To round out the meal she roasted potatoes, prepared a fruit salad and included whole wheat toast.  We ate, drank tons of coffee and did a lot of talking.


Debbie shared the recipe for her frittata:


This recipe is from Marge, a woman all of us knew many years ago, who moved away.  Every time Debbie makes this recipe, she says she thinks of Marge and the time they had together.  Debbie stated so eloquently that when we share recipes, we share memories.

She took us on a tour of her art studio and told us about her progress.  She is very gifted.


We petted the cats and played with Murphy the dog and caught up with each other.  That morning was such a gift.


Sadly, it was time to go. Those three hours zipped by! By then, it was time to tear ourselves away and rejoin our busy lives.  What a treasure this morning was.  We are eagerly waiting for the next time we can connect!

What are the rituals (and recipes) you share with your girlfriends? I’d love to hear your stories. Feel free to share in the comments below.






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